How to Join
New & Renewal Membership Information
Adult and Family $20.00/year
Seniors $15.00/year (60 years or older)
Student / Junior Free each year (with a valid student I.D. Required)
Adult Lifetime Membership $250.00
Membership is open to all persons interested in the earth sciences. Membership benefits include special insurance coverage during Society-sponsored collection events, discounts on special events and a regular informational newsletter.
As members of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (Eastern Region), the Philadelphia Mineralogical Society has insurance coverage for field trips that facilitates access to collection sites not normally open to the public. Attendance at the field collection trips is limited to PMS members and members of other clubs having insurance coverage by AFMS.
Step 1: To become a new member or Renew
your membership, use Paypal Buy Now Button =>
Paypal QR Code ==========>
In Paypal, please
add the $ Amount from
Membership Choices Below
Adult and Family $ 20.00/year
Seniors $ 15.00/year (60 years or older)
Adult Lifetime Membership $ 250.00
Step 2: Print out
Membership Form ==>
Step 3: Send the signed
membership form to:
Philadelphia Mineralogical Society
Attn: Membership
336 Wert Ave, Sellersville, PA 18960
Note 1: If you are using a personal check,
Please send the membership form and
the accompanying check to the address
Note 2: RENEWALS - Please use the Contact Us form to confirm that you paid via PayPal. Include your current address, phone and email so our records remain up to date.